A Bridleway, bluebells and forget-me-nots
I’ve recently completed the second painting in my new project Essex Paths and Bridleways.
This is a walk we often used to do when I lived at Stanway Green, and Butchers Wood is still full of bluebells!
My next flower still life painting was also completed a few days ago – this one is bluebells and forget-me-nots in a pewter 1 gill measure.
An artist friend commented that the strong horizontal on the last two still life paintings that I’ve done was rather distracting as it drew the eye too much. On this one I really tried to soften that horizontal by making the background much more subtle. I’ve already started painting my next flower piece which is of wallflowers – one of my favourite flowers for their wonderful scent!
Anglian Arts Project 2021 Exhibition: The full list of exhibitors for our next exhibition in September is now on the Anglian Arts Project page – click on Anglian Arts Project on the menu bar above.