All Saint’s Arts Festival
Big announcement today!
Way back on 31st July I mentioned here on my blog that Graham and I were planning an exciting new venture. Well, now it’s more than a plan – it is a definite reality. We are moving our Arts Festival from St Leonard’s church at Lexden to All Saint’s Church in Maldon.
There are numerous advantages: it is a large town centre church in the High Street in Maldon, with lots of passing potential customers. There is a beautiful glassed in Lady Chapel – the D’Arcy Room – where there will be far more room to stage the Art Exhibition. The large well equipped kitchen will be great for food preparation, and there is a large side aisle where we can set up the café.
The first Festival will be from 25th – 29th May in 2018 – make a note of the date right now! It will be open to the public from 10.30am – 4.30pm on Friday, 25th May, Saturday, 26th May, Bank Holiday Monday, 28th May, and Tuesday, 29th May. On Sunday, 27th May it will be open for the afternoon from 1.00pm – 4.00pm. The café will be open at all times, and lunches will be available on every day except Sunday.
We are in the process of planning some evening events, and there will also be a special Festival service on the Sunday evening. I have already invited 10 of the 14 artists we will be showing, and I’m delighted at the enthusiastic response I have had from them.
This is a great new venture for us and holds lots of possibilities for the future. I shall be giving more details about the artists and the evening events as time goes on.
So exciting!! Yay! 🙂