The Ridgeway VII

By Sally Pudney on 27th January 2019

Finished yesterday – this is the next in the Ridgeway series, The Ridgeway VII.

This beech hanger – a very characteristic feature of the Wiltshire part of the track – is on the left of the track as I walked north east from Hackpen Hill. This was one of the most beautiful parts of the trail. I walked this section in 2016, so this picture really belongs with the first group of these paintings!

Next up on my easel will be another view near the Uffington White Horse – back in the section that I walked last year!

On Friday Graham and I had a lovely day at his home on the coast. First, a lovely lunch at The Oakwood Inn, Holland on Sea, followed by a good long walk along the beach. This was the view just before we decided it was time to retreat to Graham’s house for tea and cake.

We tried for some photos –

and –

– but Graham wasn’t looking at the camera and Stephen has his eyes shut in both photos . . . .  Oh, well. We had a happy day, anyway. This morning we’ve been singing for the Civic Service at All Saint’s Maldon (Stephen’s church) and the chain gang were out in force!

This week, as well as starting the eighth Ridgeway painting, I intend to research the mounts, cellophane bags, and embossing stamps for my new limited edition prints prior to talking to my printer about them.

Hope you’ve had a good weekend, and that the week gets off to a happy start for you, 🙂

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All images © Sally Pudney 2025