December ‘snippings’

By Sally Pudney on 29th December 2020

This is the last tiny drawing of snippings brought home from my field.

Essex Field December snippings

This time it was seed heads from Common Knapweed, Wild Carrot, Agrimony, and – I think – Wild Parsnip. As they were all dried anyway they have been sitting in a jam-jar since I made my last field visit over a fortnight ago, and I only got round to drawing them last night!

I had planned to re-photograph all twelve of the snippings drawings today. Although they are all drawn on the same paper with the same pencil – 18cm square of Bockingford, and a 2B lead in a propelling pencil – the drawings look totally different colours as  the light conditions differed so much during the year as I have photographed them month by month. However, today did not co-operate with my plan! It never really got light. Dark and overcast all day long. I will try again tomorrow . . .  when we are forecast snow. Snow light would be excellent.

My last little extra painting was of a few twigs of Spindle in a Tiptree jam-jar. I finished it over a month ago, but have just realised I’ve never posted it! So here it is . . .

Essex Field – Spindle

So that is the whole project Twelve Months in an Essex Field finished! On New Year’s Eve I will be blogging some reflections on the year. 

I hope you all managed to have a reasonably good Christmas, despite all the restrictions. Today I decided that was it! – the decorations and cards all came down, and the tree is now back out in the garden!

I had a clear up and started planning my next year’s painting project in a bit more detail. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks, and have settled on a big project, a smaller project and a new technique to learn. Roll on the new year! Pop back in on 1st January for all the details!

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All images © Sally Pudney 2025