East Mersea and new frames

By Sally Pudney on 4th May 2019

For my new painting project, On the Edge, I decided to try a new frame. I’ve just collected my first trial one, and I’m so pleased with it that I’ve ordered another two!

This is my first On the Edge painting sitting in the frame,  which is Holland on Sea: Sunset. And I’ve just finished the fourth one this morning –

East Mersea: sea across the field

I went to East Mersea last Tuesday. It had been a grey cloudy morning, and then the sun got out and it warmed up. So I quickly checked the tide table to make sure I wouldn’t get stuck at the Strood (the causeway running across to Mersea Island – often flooded at high tide) and just went! I had some ideas about where I might go, but had a couple of unsatisfactory walks to start with. Then I tried a footpath near East Mersea parish church going across the fields. I was actually walking to see if I could get a good view of the church tower across the fields, when I came upon this view of the sea across a field of oil seed rape – and the colours were just stunning. That yellow with that blue!

Don’t forget that you can sign up for my newsletters on the Home page of this site – just scroll down to the bottom of the Home page. My second letter has just gone out with all the details of this year’s Anglian Arts Project Exhibition. And you can follow me on Instagram @sallypudneyartist.

We’ve had about four torrential rain storms and some hail today so far – and in between brilliant sunshine. Hope you enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend whatever you have planned! 🙂

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