‘Late Summer on the River’

By Sally Pudney on 4th October 2019

A new painting, started before my Open Studio weekends and finished a couple of days ago!

Late Summer on the River

This is a view of the River Stour at Dedham in September. This river scenery is a seemingly endless source of paintings!

Open Studios: If you have already received my end of September newsletter you will know that this year’s two Open Studio weekends were the best yet. I’ve been taking part in Open Studios for six years now, but this year it was so much better than ever before! And the interesting thing that Graham and I both noticed was that, out of all our lovely visitors, only one came as a result of the Colchester Open Studios booklet and website. All the others came because they had signed up to my newsletter and had read about it there, or had left me their details at a previous exhibition or art festival so I had sent them an invitation. This certainly gave us food for thought, and the result is something a bit different which we are going to try next year . . . .!

Limited Edition Prints: I was particularly pleased that these created so much interest amongst my visitors as they are a new venture for me this year. Some prints are available in my shop – just click on SHOP in the menu bar above – but some people have requested a print of a painting they especially like which I have had done for them as a one off.

These two prints, of Landlines 5: Channels, and Blackwater Dinghy on the flowing tide were both special orders which have just gone off to their new homes, one for a birthday present. So if you have a particular painting which you would like to purchase as a print, and you are reasonably near Colchester, do get in touch! It only takes about a fortnight to get one printed, mounted and ready either for you to collect or for me to deliver to you. Most paintings will suit the 40cm x 50cm mounts, and will be £60.00. The square Essex Wood paintings as prints fit a 50cm square mount and are £65.00. Both mount sizes fit Ikea frames and would make very nice Christmas presents!

And thinking of Christmas, my Christmas cards and Calendars for 2020 are about to go in my web-shop . . .

Finally, don’t forget – if you haven’t already done so you can sign up to receive my monthly newsletter by filling in your email address in the box at the bottom of my Home page. (It goes out on the last day of the month. If at any time you decide you are no longer interested you can just click Unsubscribe at the foot of the email.) And you can follow me on Instagram @sallypudneyartist. If you are interested in our upcoming Anglian Arts Project exhibition at the Open Art Space at the Sentinel Gallery in Wivenhoe (19th-26th October) then you might like to look at the dedicated page on this website for information on all the artists, or follow the project on Instagram @anglianarts.

The weather here has suddenly become very cold and windy – really autumnal! Keep warm and enjoy your weekend! 🙂


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Website by John Wheal

All images © Sally Pudney 2025